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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Written Saturday, January 24, 2009 @12:58 pm
firstly i would like to wish all chinese readers & bloggers,
A Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!

seriously, the attraction of blogging has wear off. i'm just too busy + lazy to update everything. really. maybe, maybe..i will close this blog down. the big possibility is there. OR i will move somewhere that can be privatised. i mean there are some things you can't share with the world. i do not need everybody to keep track of my everyday thingy.

anyhoo, i'm so EXCITED. i will be having a looooong holiday! yiPPee! for CNY, our office will be close from 24Jan-29Jan. business will resume on 30Jan. how cool is that? super! hopefully got alotz of plans. picnics for both side of the family! & anyone wanna date me?? hah. BF will be working this holiday so i'm free. heh. so call me. hee.

Bintan trip is good. although the food & the stuffs there is freaking expensive. all in SGD. chet! the straw bag i bought in Bali for like $5, in Bintan its freaking $30! crazy! bleargh. but the sea is good. the beach is realllly good. very nice scenary and all. the resorts itself is good. overall is good except for the currency. i went for the ATV, all terrain vehicle. syiok seh! it was exhilarating! *grins* i wish could play it again. maybe in Batam? cheaper. pixes? hmmm... i have uploaded it in my facebook. u can see there. i don't think i'm gonna upload it here. leceh. for those in facebook, can add me aite?

45mins more to my holidays! PPC is dead. not much ppl here. all busy shopping for their new year. hmmm.. ok i guess thats it.

Happy Holidays people! :)

Written Saturday, January 10, 2009 @3:11 pm
so what are you guys up to for the weekends? me? nothing much. except that tonight will be meeting Fid, Azura & Kenet at Vivo. another lepak-ing session. woohoo. & tmrw maybe a stroll to the Punggol Park with my beloved granny. been asking me to take her out so yeah. out we'll go. oh! anybody has any idea where to get a cheap frame walking stick??? my granny needs it. or if you happen to know that somewhere sells second hand, pls, pls do let me know. your help is very much appreciated. *smile with teeth*

i'm thinking of working part-time.. what you think?? for extra income. as you all already know, the economy is bad & who knows, my company will cut my pay since the government encourages all employer to do so. bleuk. *roll eyes*
ya, cut pay but expenses getting higher. are you mad or something??? grrrr. so what choice of job do i have? strictly night shift coz i will still be working with my current employer. 7-eleven? cheers? banquet? what??? seriously like there is not much night job. ok do not even think about soliciting coz omg! i won't stoop that low for extra income. *roll eyes* for the future, i don't mind really. so again, any of you, yes YOU!, got any recommendations for jobs pls let me know. atur2 sayur pun jadi lahh.. hahaha..

chinatown, today surprisingly, is full of people. after so many days of silence. hah. 1hr more to go. nxt Sunday i will be going to Bintan for a night. yippee! hopefully the red-light (menses) come earlier or else, there goes my water sports! grrraahhhh! i want to swim! i want to ___ ! (insert whatever water sports is available there). baahhhhh!


boo-hoo! my msn uninstalled on its own. don't know what happened. tried downloading the new messenger but suddenly all go haywire. now i'm msn-less. bahhhh! how?? how???



feelin' sick...
Written Saturday, January 03, 2009 @2:19 pm
hey'all. guess what? i feel totally sick. not sure whhyyy but i think be'coz i pretended to be sick yesterday to get MC that i'm sick today. get it? they say, retribution. haix.

so at work now, blogging away. waiting for the clock to strike 5 & i'm out of here. meeting Azura & Kenet at Orchard. Yanty couldn't make it as she will be working night shift. so yeahh, it will be three of us, lepak-ing..

it will be another week without the bosses here. freedom! yessss! boss & lady boss is out of town for their honeymoon in Europe. for 2 weeks! heaven i tell you. hah. hopefully when they come back i will get my bonus. hooppeeffuulllyyyyy...

sorry my blog getting dull. i got tons of pixes but then i can't be uploading pixes at work right? so juz chill & wait for the good stuff to come. hahha. nonsense.

anyhoo, i will be going to Hong Kong in Feb. guess with who??? Yanty & Widah. ok, Widah is Yanty's friend. so yeahh only 3 of us. asked Michelle but she can't. asked Azura and she can't too. so no choice only 3 musketeers. will be going for 6D5N & to Macau & Zhuhai (China) too. i hope it will be a blassttt! weee~~~~~ & we got alotz of plan to travel, me & Yanty. in April, if everything is good, we will be going down to KL for some clubbing scenes. stricly gerls only. apparently all is ok except Fid of coz. big NO from the fiancee. & hopefully end of the year, to somewhere nice too.

ok since im SOOO free right now & the pixes are available, might as well update bout the Xmas lunch we had at Furama City Centre for the Appliers. my company xmas lunch.

24Dec08-Furama Hotel

we actually decided to do a party but approval from boss is rejected. so instead, lady boss suggested to us to eat together at a Hotel. so boss apparently agreed. phew! means half-day for us. wee~~~ so about 1230pm off we go. next door to my workplace...

ok no food pictures coz this pixes from my colleague. strictly Appliers. heh. so wondering what food they served? btw, its Halal. they served japanese, western & fusion. if i'm not wrong.. for desserts they have chocolate fondue, ice creams, cakes, brownies & many more.. to me the food are ok. so you all can give it a try. per head on normal days is about $20+++.

ohhh, dresscode for that particular day is Red & Gold. apparently all wear red. hah.


only some of us. in the front office. from left-Uncle David, me, Desiree, Marion, Welianto & seated is Benjamin.


the belle of Apple Holidays. hehe.


Marion & me at Furama.


me & Desiree & Boss eating desserts.


Marion, Desiree, Melissa & me.


all together now. a few are missing though.


yup, that's about it.

*looking at comp watch* bloody hell. its only 330pm. i still got 11/2hrs to kill. what should i update????

maybe.........Kak In's wedding which was on the 1st Nov 08. hah. errr da basi?? but it's worth mentioning though. :)

but! i do not have all the pixes here. so sorry. all the behind scenes photos are in my laptop. maybe some other time....


till here people. i'm gonna surf the net now. ta-ta.

Happy New Year!
Written Friday, January 02, 2009 @4:20 pm

hey readers!
Happy 2009! how's the parrttyyyy?
must be great coz i think i missed it on tv. hah..


first & foremostly, sorry for the MIA thingy.
been months rite?? i noe sum of u have totally given up seeing my blog for any updates. hah. truly sorry yaw. internet connection at home has died. n still dying now. *roll eyes*

ok moving on.....

its the 2009 already! how fast??? so wondering what's my resolution? hah. sadly, i dun make any for this year. coz i think my last year's one is not really reachable yet... hah.
let's see what was my resolution back then...


1. Nenek to get well soon. - she's recovering really well now. alhamdulilah. but still can't walk yet. insyallah in times to come, she will back up and running. heh.
2. To be successful in the TOURISM line. - errrr this.. i'm still in the same line though. not yet successful but maybe this resolution is for the long term.
3. BIGGER PAY. - sadly no. no increment. & no bonus yet! grrrrr!
4. Earn enough money to travel around the world. - since no increment, i still will travel. hah. Bintan in Jan & Hong Kong in Feb. yesssssssss!
5. Expanding my wadrobe. - errr still need to expand.
6. To be a better person. Not selfish. Hardworking. - errrr i'm still selfish according to Bf & today i took MC. hardworking??? hahahaha.
7. To learn to cook. - hahahhaha! still not yet! errr this year definitely. hah.
8.To improve relationship with BF. No more childish fight and misunderstanding. - definitely improving. our love never stops growing. but still alots of STUPID fights. grrrrr.
9.To save money for THE wedding. - on the wayyyyyyyyyyy. wish me luck!
10. Last but not least, to EXERCISE. - definitely NO. i dun think i ever exercise last yr. i'm FAT!

so how? ridiculous right??? hahaah. i noe. *roll eyes*
so for 2009 Resolution, i will make it short & simple.

Work Hard For The Future.

no more the laidback attitude & no more procrastinating.



guess what?? i'm 24 this year! bahhhhh! oldd!!


ok that was soo random. hah.

sorry guys no pixes today as this comp, the internet is impossibly slowwww.

next time alright?

i got tons of pixes to be uploaded.

stay tune... *winks*