![DSC_7644 photo DSC_7644.jpg](http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s575/ZieBecks/DSC_7644.jpg)
& Zana's (Bie's small sis) 20th Bday. not the small gerl ok? haha. thats' Wani.
& Lynn's (Sec Skool mate) 23rd Bday.
Us at Cik Esah's house at Yishun. Her son is my primary skool mate.
another performance by the so-called 'Siti Nurhaliza'. :S
presenting Bie's Mum in yellow and her twin in pink. Ina, the little gerl is Cik Am's (in pink) granddaughter whose mum is a Chinese. so cute right she??? her cheeks is like fishball! so round!
the FMIL. heh.
the TWINS. although Bie's mum look kinda more old.
us with cute Fiza.
the auntie who held the open house.
me with the cuuttteee Ina, on our way home.
12th October 2008, Sunday.
my Nenek (Mummy's mum) was hopitalised on this very day due to some infection. went Tan Tock Seng to visit.
hahahah! nothing to do sia!
Nenek is good now. she since been released. alhamdulilah.
17th October 2008, Friday.
Lady boss bought for me a biirrttthhdaayyy cake!
thanks y'all. *grins*
from left: Susie, Perchuly, Lady Boss Melissa & me! Desiree missing.
the boys: Chan, Welianto, Benjamin & Terence.
blow the candle!
& now lets eat! thanks again! hee.
18th October 2008, Saturday.
out Raya-ing with my Braddelites.
Twinnie was there too! after soo long, finally met her again. *smiles*
let the pix do the talking...
family of the day.. heahea...
1st house, Fid.
all of us now. all couple2 except Yanty & Alwi.
Kenet, me, Yanty & Mardiana.
at Ajeh's crib.
my Twinnie Mas!
over to Alwi's house now. waiting for the cars.
backseat action with Fid.
Bie & Fir
mcm malu je bie?? hahah..
ehh the family again.. heh.
at Azura's crib; my goooood frreennnsss. i love each of u guys.
Azura, Fid & Zie..we go back since Sec 2.
me & dearest Twinnie again at Kenet's crib.
my crib
Juizhar, Mardiana, Yanty
Mas, Ajeh & Alwi
Kenet & bf, Nizham & Dian
Fid with my family members. we used to verrrryyyyy clossseeeee.
ohh not forgetting the pink couple. heh.
lastly at Mas's crib. Bie sampai baring2. heh. pix taken from Mas as my batt gone flat.
so far its been good. this year each of us brought their fiances & partners. hopefully next year will be the same. go 10 years of frenship! *grins*
19th October 2008, Sunday.
the day i turn..
skipped werk and out we went to have fun!
dun understand why guys like to act cute??? hahaa. heran la deyy!
awwww..a big hug!!!!
ape pulak nii...
the people i heart the most, the many2 & oways.
on the way to Newton Food Centre.
all line up to show their age. hah.
discussing wat to eat..& we ordered 2 plates of stingray, kangkong, gonggong, black pepper beef, sweet & sour chicken, sambal sotong & rice!
Hafiz wants to get fined. pls anybody, fine him?
hahah! i oso wants to pose wit cigarette lahh.. i looked i im gonna inhale tat thing. ahha. it was raining heavily & we sat at the nearest bus stop for shelter. since there is no bus there, we sat & make jokes, dance & laugh. ppl were watching us. seriously. hah. all caught on camera. hah.
will upload the videos nxt time, promise!
the pix looked so wrong lor! Bie trying to lick the poor gerl nose! ahhahaha!
aqim did it nicely but ehh da pandai eh klua2 lidah nii???????
after which, we went to Suntec City, intending to watch a movie. but there wasn't any nice movie to watch as a family so went to play arcade. ride cars, shooting and many more. wasted more that 30 bucks for that. well, the thing is we had fun.
on the way home, see the koi fishes! there are big la seyyy!
fish tank at Suntec. heyy fishy2...
hmmm thats the end. a great day spend with the loved ones. * grins*
on another chapter, i can't wait for the end of the month!
woooooo.... wait for the updates!
there will be alotz of pictures. trust me. heh.
have a great weekend dearest!