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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Selamat Berpuasa!
Written Sunday, August 31, 2008 @7:10 pm
tomorrow will be the 1st of September. &, & its the first day of the fasting month!

its the month of Ramadhan.



im totally excited. reaalllyyyy excited.

Firstly, i will be going home at 7pm for the month of September. so 11-7pm. yes! so who-ever wanna break fast with me, can do so but only near to my work place will do. coz very far will make me go hungggrryyyy. hah. well near my werk place, there is Swensens, MacD, Long John, Burger King...errrr i think tats all. hah. boring! nvr mind la.. ok i hope to meet most of my gfs for some buka-ing puasa. and of coz, my family members! kacang pool or belado??? *drools* last but not least, hoping to meet my twinnie. but since you can't go out, y dun i go ur hse and buka puase??? hah. but like tat only sat or sun. hmm..

ok nvr mind. Secondly y im excited, is becoz Geylang Bazaar is opening tmrw!! yeay! dengdeng anyone??? come on, only on fasting month eating dengdeng got the excited feeling of fasting! get me?? nvr mind. & air kathira? woah tats my bro's favourite! he will surely buy tat if he drop by Geylang. and there's alot of baju rayas selling and its shopping time! woots~woots~ im so gonna get myself a pair of baju kurung or kebaya, preferably baju kurung same as Hubby! yippee! although Geylang Bazaar is ALWAYS pack with shoppers, i still like going there. maybe becoz of the environment, kemeriahan nye. sungguh syiok! hah. but dun ever break fast there! hah! wun get to eat on time la sey. aniwaes, hopefully my dad get to rent lorry or sumthing so we can go down as a big family with my aunties & uncles, cousins & all. fun! weeee~~~~~~

Thirdly, after a month of fasting is the Hari Raya! food, gatherings, outings, new clothes & glamour! hah! u noe wat i mean. heesh. im sounding like a small kid seh! hahah. well, both of this months are my joy. im always looking forward to it. shall not elaborate any further coz ppl will say, blom puase da ckp pasal raya! hah! so later part will talk further. *winks*


& do U noe that dates (kurma) are good? if we eat it before we have our food in the morning (sahur), dates gives us the energy to go thru the day? yes it is. it is full of calories and its healthy! a person who are sick, cancer or heart attack, should eat kurma everyday. insyallah it can make the person better. so people, lets eat alot of them shall we?

so to all Muslimin & Muslimah, Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa!


P/S: puasa eh, jgn tak puasa.

Written Sunday, August 24, 2008 @10:58 pm
updated on the 26th Aug 08.


helooo peeps!

first and foremost, i would like to wish





25 august 2008, Monday

mr Hamzah Bin Bakri, a very HAPPY 23rd Birthday.


may you'll be blessed wit good life, health & wealth. insyallah.

love u many-many dear! hope to celebrate our birthdays together again till forever!

muackz-muackz! *winks*

Bie fetched me from werk on the day but unfortunately, i was held back at werk till 830pm! so there goes my plan. -___-' and sum more it was drizzling. chet! so Bie suggest we watch movie. and we headed to VivoCity since its near to my werk place and we're running out of time. upon reaching, we bump into Bie's fren and suddenly realised, that we are watching the same movie and seated next to each other. -_____-'

we watch 4BIA. a very terrifying movie.

First on the menu is Yongyoot Thongkongtoon’s “Happiness”, who is probably better known for directing action comedies such as The Iron Ladies and Metrosexual. Here director Thongkongtoon, who also wrote the segment, begins the story rather innocuously with a young woman, confined to her apartment with a broken leg in a cast after surviving a horrific car crash. Alone and lonely, she grabs the chance to make contact with a stranger who starts texting her. Things get creepy when she sends him her picture and he in turn sends her his. Thongkongtoon’s greatest achievement in “Happiness” is how he successfully builds up an atmosphere of uneasy and dread without any dialogue. Instead of resorting to narration or voiceover, we simply read the exchange of messages on screen as they are received. All this adds up to a very satisfying climax that manages to tie up the various elements in the story nicely.

Next up is Paween Purikitpanya (Body #19)’s “Tit For Tat”, which coming after “Happiness” may be a rather jarring change. While “Happiness” is content to take its time building up its story, “Tit For Tat” thrusts its viewers straight into the story of a kid who returns to exact vengeance using black magic on a gang of bullies.While this is no killjoy, “Tit For Tat” is probably the weakest of the lot. Its Saw-like frenetic shots and schizophrenic editing can get quite grating after a while, and it borders on an overdose of CGI in its climax. Thankfully, though, it proceeds at a gallop so it still makes for a gripping and intense piece of work. Coming after the occasionally nauseating “Tit For Tat” is the refreshing crowd-pleaser “In The Middle”.

The story begins at night with four friends on a rafting trip in a tent outdoors who, like most people would do to kill time in the wild, start telling each other ghost stories. Each of them ends up joking about what they would do if they turned up dead, with one of them saying that he would haunt the person sleeping in the middle, hence the title. The next day, while out rafting, their boat capsizes. Only three of them manage to make it out alive, and by nightfall, they give up the search for their missing friend. But soon after they try to fall asleep, their friend returns. However, they are confronted with the nagging fear that their friend may very well be dead. Scripted and directed by one-half of the “Shutter” duo Banjong Pisanthanakun, “In The Middle” delights with its well delineated characters. It is not easy to create characters that audiences can easily recognize within half an hour, let alone four. But Pisanthankun has done just that, giving each character a uniquely distinctive personality. “In The Middle” also benefits tremendously from Pisanthankun’s clever blend of humour and suspense. He deftly alludes to clichés often used in modern day horror movies, and even though audiences may think that they are one step ahead of the story, he manages to deliver a satisfying jolt at the end. My personal favourite, I would go so far as to say that this segment alone is worth the price of admission.

The final course of the meal is Shutter’s other half, Parkpoom Wongpoom’s “Last Fright”. A deliberate pun on the word “flight”, it tells the story of a flight attendant Pim who is summoned back to work on a royal flight for a princess who is having marital difficulties. Not to spoil the surprise, things get personal and testy between them during the flight. The princess dies unexpectedly the next day and Pim finds herself escorting the princess’ body back. Suffice to say that turbulence will not the only thing that goes bump on the flight.“Last Fright” is definitely not the best of the four, but it maximises its unique setting on board a turbulence-rocked empty plane. The claustrophobic inducing setting enhances the sense of dread and helplessness that Pim faces and is probably the best thing that this closing segment has going for it. While the story may seem pedestrian, it still is a solidly made piece of work.As far as horror anthologies go, 4Bia is easily one of the best of its kind. Perhaps also because of their brevity, each of the four segments are always engaging and the sum of it all is one of the most accomplished Thai horror movies of late.

it is a really good horror movie. here is the trailer. u muz catch it hokay??

oh oh, not forgetting too, Lydia's from SLIM, twinnie's gf and me & bro 's skool mate. Happy 20th Bdae Lyd!!! may you have a great day!


23 august 2008, Saturday

the day my darling fren got engaged!! congrats hor Fid!! i wish you all the best and cepat2 naik pelamin! tis time muz jemput my whole family tau coz they want to see you la! heh.


us ladies wit the engaged lady. hah. Azura, Fid, Yanty & Zie.

each of us brought partners. heh. and we are the only one who turned up from our cliques.


Yanty & Fiance

Azura & Partner


me & Azura

me & Azura again with the berkat.


me & Yanty.

Azura & Yanty

after tat, went to Yishun to see my father and the babies.


baby errr.. i really do not know the spelling. abit chim but we call him ko-ei. haha! sumthing like tat la. ape dahh misah, kasi anak name susah2..


den me & Aryan! haha! cute banget him. air liuh meleleh2...

after meeting with the babies, we went off back home. meeting my dear twinnie, who is helping out wit her mother's catering at Toa Payoh, which is near my house!


aaaaaahhhh!! at last get to meet u again! *hugz* heheh.

the aforementioned wedding is really grand lor. and its freaking nice! my twinnie really sweet to gif me a packet of rice wit some dishes to bring home. heh. & the dishes really nice lor. ni mcm confirm amik ur mum nye catering for mine, twinnie.. hehe

pixes courtesy of Mas.


the bride & groom. dinner nite.

the dais.
the walkway.

the full view. nice riigghhtt? if my dream wedding venue is not fulfilled, den it will be here where i will hold it. heh.

after talking in the rain for a while, Ajeh suggest we go under the block for shelter. and we end up taking pixes! but not alot la..heh


the cute couple.

and last but not least, the three of us.

after tat, i went home and on the way, met my Pri skool fren, Emeliani. coincidentally that was her cousin's wedding! hah! such coincidence.

hmm ok tats all for now peeps. my eyes are closing soon. cannot tasyan. bahhh!


till then, bye-bye!


oh,oh.. i juz uploaded my another fav song on the vid section on the right. whats hurts the most by rascal flatts. go check it out. really nice sad country love song.

Written Monday, August 18, 2008 @10:33 pm
i wonder why my life is not perfect while others, can claim their's is near to perfect. is there such thing as a perfectly perfect life?
im not really sure.
today im feeling reaallly under the weather. so glooommyy. abit here & there problems surfacing. i really do not know how to handle all this emotions. its overwhelming. i realllyyy feel like crying and letting it out but by crying, will the problems vanish as it mysteriously appear? 100% guranteed it will not. die-die i have to overcome it. haix. everyday i pray to GOD to give me the strength to overcome all this problems. its not easy, you know. i have to deal with rude people, worrying mum & granny, not understanding peoples (!!) and my indecisive me. how? but maybe, mayybee im worrying too much. haix.
enough of my gloomy-ness.
on another note, im sick and tired of my current job. errrr... how? im not sure why i cant last at one place. whats wrong wit me?? *knocks head* i need a new environment, new pay and new working hours. arrrgggghhh! by end of the year maybe?? insyallah. for now, werk your ass off zie! my leave left only 4.5 pathetic days. urrgghh. no more urgent leaves whatsoever hokay? i still need to take on Hari Raya. baaahhhh.
on another side of the note, i love my bf soooo muccchhhh! webcam-ing is fun especially when you are down and with someone special! Bie make my gloomy-ness vanished just like that! i love u sooo muchh la bie. heh.
muackz! muackz!

Written Thursday, August 14, 2008 @11:00 pm
hahah. helo ppl. im back.
guess wat?? i miss my America's Next Top Model show on TV!!! i am bloody shocked that i manage to forgot my own favourite show! chet! if Bf nvr say, i would have totally forget bout it. *rolls eyes* lucky for me, ANTM shows on youtube. so now as i am blogging, im watching. heh. its the final! i got to watch it.
hmmm, you guys like brownies?? for me, im totally digging it. brownies are heavenly. BUT not all. yes not all. i've eaten a few and some are totally d-r-y. super not nice. like the one at Swensens. uh-huh. its crap, i tell you. urrggghhh. ok so whats the hell im talking bout brownies for??

hahah! ok tats the mini BROWNIES im taking about! its super delicious, its super chocolatey and its super riiccchhhh!!! and guess who make this????
non-other than my lovely auntie,
cik Wati.
ok i dun have her pic. so u try imagine my lovely auntie making these brownies la.
not only m&m as the toppings but there are a few as well, such as strawberries, choc rice & mixed chocolate tops. de-li-cious.
trust me. the above pix is taken by me and eaten by me & siblings. tat time jugak abis seh!! hahah. she takes order if you wanna try or if there is any special occasions.
her site ----> http://snufferlupagus.multiply.com/
she also do cupcakes and cakes and some tarts for engagement or weddings. i tell you its reaalllyyy nice. wanna prove?

these pretty thangs are made by her for my cousin's engagement last yr!! pretty? its also nice la sey! hahah. so those of you whose thinking to get engaged or to get sumthing for somebody who is getting engaged, feel free to order from her. or you can go thru me, thank you. hahahh. oohhh..my darling fren, Fid is getting engaged this coming 23 Aug, she ordered the fondant cake & the swan. heh. so do browse thru ya.
on another note, do you girls know that we have our usual menstrual cramps can actually become a real serious issue/consequences? dun believe me?
read this.
(taken from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/endometriosis/DS00289)
Endometriosis is an often painful disorder of the female reproductive system. In endometriosis, a specialized type of tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus (the endometrium) becomes implanted outside your uterus, most commonly on your fallopian tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond your pelvic region.
During your menstrual cycle, hormones signal the lining of your uterus to thicken to prepare for possible pregnancy. If a pregnancy doesn't occur, hormone levels decrease, causing the thickened lining of your uterus to shed. This produces bleeding that exits your body through the vagina — your monthly period.
When endometrial tissue is located elsewhere in your body, it continues to act in its normal way: It thickens, breaks down and bleeds each month as your hormone levels rise and fall. Because there's nowhere for the blood from this displaced tissue to exit your body, it becomes trapped, and surrounding tissue can become irritated.
Trapped blood may lead to the growth of cysts. Cysts, in turn, may form scar tissue and adhesions — abnormal tissue that binds organs together. This process can cause pain in the area of misplaced tissue, often the pelvis, especially during your period. Scars and adhesions related to endometriosis also can cause fertility problems.

Endometriosis can be mild, moderate or severe, and it tends to get worse over time without treatment. Some women with endometriosis have no signs and symptoms at all, and the disease is discovered only during an unrelated operation, such as a tubal ligation. Other women may experience one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

Painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Pelvic pain and cramping may begin before and extend several days into your period and may include lower back and abdominal pain.
Pain at other times. You may experience pelvic pain during ovulation, a sharp pain deep in the pelvis during intercourse, or pain during bowel movements or urination.
Excessive bleeding. You may experience occasional heavy periods (menorrhagia) or bleeding between periods (menometrorrhagia).
Infertility. Endometriosis is first diagnosed in some women who are seeking treatment for infertility.
Some cramping during your period is normal. But women with endometriosis typically describe menstrual pain that's far worse than usual. They also tend to report that the pain has increased over time.
Pain is a common symptom of endometriosis. However, severity of pain isn't necessarily a reliable indicator of the extent of the condition. Some women with mild endometriosis have extensive pain, while others with more severe scarring may have little pain or even no pain at all.
Endometriosis is sometimes mistaken for other conditions that can cause pelvic pain, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or ovarian cysts. It may be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes bouts of diarrhea, constipation and abdominal cramping. IBS can accompany endometriosis, which can complicate the diagnosis.
it can cause infertililty hokay?? scary or wat??? my pain are usually very unbearable. im super scared la sey. oh god i wanna have babies. plss?? haix. i can only pray for the best.
ok! last update for the day!
introducing Li Jiawei,Singapore's Table Tennis player.

ok, look real close at the photo n see whats wrong with it.
hahahahahahahah! i found this pic in the yahoo home page and i find it reaaaalllyyyy funnnyyyyy! she really look super _____! its like she suddenly realised that her nose becomes a white ping-pong ball and was shocked by it, hence the mate kero and her c-a-c-a-t hands! if other ppl do not know she is a table tennis player, im sure they think its some kind of some funny pics. hahahah! i wonder who is the photographer.. can captured such moments! hahahaha!
okok im juz kidding. not critisizing ok? hahaha.
good nytez peeps. :))))

Written Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @11:40 pm

this blogspot is so damn irritating. so many times i tried to upload my pixes and it fail on me!


*breathe in...HOLD...breathe out*

suddenly so short tempered. hmm guess the time of the month is coming soon. blearrgghhh.
ok i tried to upload the pixes last Sat but as u noe, they disappoint me again n again. so WHATEVER to them. *roll eyes*
thankfully for my twinny. she gave me her top secret of blogging and guess wat?? its totally great!!! thank ke you yaw! heh. *hugz*

Saturday, 9th August 2008

Happy 43rd Belated Birthday Singapore! May u progress and continue to progress but with lower expenditure, lower fares for transportation, lesser ERPs, lower fuel rates, more salaries, more GSTs and more birth rates!! hah! ok?

so that nyte, met with cousins,Bf and bro for our lil' escapade to






hahaha, yeah thats right. 5 of us. happening la sey! haha. its was awesome (xcept for sumone..) as it was ages ago i went clubbing. that was also my first time to MOS. weee~~~ im sure to come back again.


me n bro, Hafiz in the mrt.



semangat pakai merah la seyy.. hahah!


Bie. ooo..can see the woman's clevage?? hahah! trying to get attention is it???


asal eh tutup mate? heh.





faaatttttt!!! baahhhhh!!




on the way to Mos. Me, Bro, Kak In & Shidy.


the guys wit the Merlion gerl??at the entrance of MOS.


suke shidy.. heh. a virgin clubber! haha!


after paying the entrance fees and get ourself chopped, we went to eat dinner. where else if not at MacDonalds.


bro & sis


cousins! :))))


delicious-ly us. hey its on the wall. :)


Hafiz & Kak In


bro & sis again


we're in! Singapore flags & condoms are given out. hah!


me after dancing. heh. smoke break. in the smoke room. errr i think so la..


me & Shidy


me & lovesss...


from the second floor overseeing the Main Arena, playing trance. it was crowded man!


out from Smoove to the Main Arena again!


n i met my darling fren!! Zakiah aka Ashlee. hah! quite long nvr meet!



she came with her bro & bf. her bf is my secondary skool mate. ahah! small world.


Zakiah aka Ashlee & Reza


we went off at about 3am and went back to Mac to quench our thirst. apparently, we drank 1 glass of coke only. hahah. save ke pe???


me & the ____ bie. no comments.


Shidy jadi pendekar. pendekar mlm. haha.



hee. now bunga pulakk.. haha..cute la tu.


bro & sis






Hafiz with the drinks coupon. ours is gone. sumbody's one we found but too late to redeem la. hah.


lucky draw. none of us win. chet!


haha! Shidy & Hafiz with the condoms! keep it in the wallet guys. u may nvr noe when u need it. hahah! mampos,mama & cik jan confirm bising nye! hahah! keep can dun use ya... hahah..


the aforementioned condom. thinnest ehh? hah!

after all the camwhoring at Mac, cousins, me & bf took the night rider back home while Hafiz continue his dancing-till-morning journey to Zouk where his frens waited for him. hah! happening la my bro. isyk,isyk.


i sooo looking forward for my next dancing class (hah!) and cousins' outing! maybe we go karaoke next la Kak In? then can bring Yuni, Yani & Haqim. the more the merrier. as for my dancing class, pls anybody ask me out!! i wanna go Powerstation next!!! ahhhh!

time check: 0100hr

time to sleep bebeh. a long day at werk tmrw...

