today is only the 22nd of Feb.. and i wonder why the day is passing so ever slowly.. its irritating me!! oookkk, i noe i shouldn't say that as if i have no patience but you see, i'm excited. and panic. coz my bills are rising like nobody business and its also the time to SHOP!!!! hahah.. i seriously need jeans. like seriously. and of coz. my make ups. i have run out of mascara..been borrowing my mum's. (thank god her's is good) and my watch died on me. urrgghh..at this period of time summore. and crazily enough, i've been wearing the dead watch for the last 2 days. pathetic, i noe. but i can't leave without my watch. urghh.. so stressful.
ok, i'm so alone in the office at this time of the day. boss n gf nowhere to be seen but no surprise if they suddenly barged in and i will be like, panic.. tak tahu mane nak buat..askyen buat keje, takde keje..siao.. and i seriously need the toilet. mampos nanti satu office bau. HAHAHA!! omg..
8th of Mar is confirmed. i will been seeing those 'bengots' ppl. haha..my campus mates la.. whahah.. to catch up on things and of coz, our much awaited trip to HKG. i sooo wanna go. shall we?? yes, we shall. haha..
oh another thing i sooo wanna do.. take the SINGAPORE FLYER!!! that one will be only me & BF. sooo romantic kan?? yup,yup but BF say abit expensive. $1 for 1 min. haha.. i dun care la..i juz wanna ride that thing. and hopefully on my 7TH year anniversary. go,go check the website.
oh,oh another thing i wanna go!! BALI!! at first plan was on April but due to insufficient moolah..so decide to go on May. but clashing with Mother's Day la sey...i wanna bring my mum & step-mother to Batam for a relaxing & massageful day..yup, good daughter right?? heheh.. so we see how la...
hmmm... this year sooo many places i wanna go. gelojoh. hahah.. another 7 more days to go till my pay. *slaps forehead* faster,faster...
now i sooo wanna go toilet. da lepas makan gie buang.. hahah..
till the next time..
to whoever celebrating it..
i dun understand why girls/women must have premenstrual syndrome? it makes me really miserable, weak and furious. urrgghh.. hate it. the boys/men are damn lucky bastard, i tell u. we girls/women suffer alot of pains and them, actually gain ALOT of pleasure! not fair? it is not fair!! but i like being a women. so no point arguing further.
i'm all alone in the office. collegues and bosses (boss n his lady) already went off. left me alone. so decide to blog abit. i miss blogging but i can't find the time and when i have the time, i dun have the words. otak blank seh.
anyway, during the CNY holidays i had fun. i was enjoying the holidays that i dread going back to werk. but no choice. werk is werk. i am now a responsible women. so no more slacking. haha.. serious seh.. i went to the Changi beach with my father's family. overnight for 1 night. i slept like a few hours only the following day. during the night, my cousins and i were playing games. we played UNO spin, the concentration game, dog n bone, monkey, shuttle run (??) and i think that's about it. oh not 4getting the pick up sticks. ahhah!! small kids game but hey, i had fun!! its the only time that i can act like girl instead of a woman! haha.. at 23, i'm already feeling old. so with my smaller cousins i feel young!! woo-hoo!!
and the rest of the holidays, we (my mother's side of the family pulak) watch movies on the internet. we watch horror movies, comedies and so much more. fun la sey. no werk, no stress. my nenek is also there (uncle's hse) so not much worries.
BF reaching soon. gotta shut down all system now.
will update soon!
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all the people celebrating it.