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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Written Thursday, January 17, 2008 @11:37 am
i can barely wait for tomorrow to end. i juz hope today's time will be abit faster.. OMG, i can't wait!! ahhaha... ok its not like i will be going on a vaction or wat (broke tis month) but my traineeship contract ends tomorrow!! like YIPPEE!!! hahaha.. but i will start werking again with this company on the 29th Jan. and i will be a full-timer la sey. and my pay pun best!! boss agreed to pay me $1400. heheh.. alhamdulilah.. supposed to start on the 1st of Feb but Melissa wanted to go Hong Kong (argghh!! i'm supposed to go hokay??) so i have to start early. she was begging me to help her.. and think punye think, decided to werk only coz i noe i'm gonna get xtra 3 days pay. so yeah, that's settled all. so total of 9 days i'm on break!! yes!! i dun noe what i'm gonna do but i noe one thing for sure, i want to sleep late and wake up late the next morning. heheh.. and of coz, go n see my dearest nenek. she's getting better now ppl. i'm juz soo happppppyyyyy.

ok i have to finished all my bookings by tomorrow. hopefully all will go well before i take a break. phew..

ok i was badly interrupted. Melissa step in the office juz like that and i juz close the window. kan ciong skejap. haha.. notty2. ok now the serious part. i kena scolded. boss was so angry and Melissa juz dun want to 'layan' me. ok,ok i admit its my mistake. i forgot to insert ticket number into Melissa's booking and airline go and cancel it. so its like panic in the office. i juz kept quiet coz i noe my fault. haizz.. so boss kept saying, "Easy thing also cannot do".. and i juz continue doing my werk. i actually, prepared to pay for the ticket. wat to do?? eh, i'm not always like that hokay?? one mistake i do,they really attack me seh. BUT thank god, Qantas managed to restore the seats!! alhamdulilah. phew.. close call. heheh..
well, you cannot judge me if i'm good at my werk. i'm ok. i noe i can do my werk. boss once said, i'm good. *shrugs* i juz hope they appreciate me and wants me to werk for them.
ok good news to be shared. haha.. like finally i got my namecard. i mean, soon. heheh.. soo happpyyyy.. heheh..
meeting BF later for dinner. yes!! i missss him sooo much..
ok la gonna eat my lunch. Melissa bought sausage mcmuffin for herself this morning but she dun want it. so she asked me to eat it. diet la seh.

Happy New Year 2008!
Written Friday, January 04, 2008 @11:30 am
I hope i'm not too late in wishing everybody a Happy New Year.
2007..a not so good year for me. Though the year been hard, it teaches me everything that life is indeed tough. U have to werk your ass off to get appreciated. To get notice. And somehow, i hope to be a better person after this.
2007.. The first few months werking together with Boss n his gf are terrifying. I almost quit. I never felt so scared in my life before that i keep praying for time to fly quickly. N now, here i am making decision to continue with them. That's hard werk i tell u. They trusted me now. Thank god (Alhamdulilah).
Along the way, i met my campus mates. Fara, Joshua, Nurul, Zakiah, Jing and the rest. All those photo-takings and jokes and makan-makan! Skool been great! One thing i'm sure will miss alot! Its the best thing that happened in 2007. I shall never forget u guys. N my first trip to Bangkok with them! Best! Craziness! No words to describe la. Hehe..
Closeness between family members (Yaman Family & Nopia Family) are felt. The happiness we all felt for dear cousin's engagement day. We had fun despite the tiredness. And the karaoke-ing with the karaoke gang! Double fun-ness!! The late night bowling! Wow!! Hahhh.. Heart them many-many la! Hope the chemistry stays that way.
Although the news of my Nenek (Grandma) is shocking and sad, we still pray for some hope. For now, the news been good. She's responding to us and now, is in the normal ward. Thank god once again (Alhamdulilah). The days spent at the hospital was an eye opener. We took for granted when the person is still strong and kicking. I did not occasionally look out for my Nenek. Its either she came to my house every other weeked or on only special occasion did i see her. Yup, caught up in my own life that i did not even cared to see the person who brings me up. Regret. I love my Nenek sooo much.. Get well soon k? *sob*sob*
Last but not least, BF, Hamzah Bin Bakri. What else can i say about him? He's my heart and soul. For the past 6 years, he's been there. Not moving anywhere. Just beside me. I love you sooo much!! hehehe.. Stick with me will you? Muaaahh..

Ok usually people will make a new year resolution. So here is mine. Hehehe.. abit kiasu la. I got 10 seh!! Hhahh..
1. Nenek to get well soon.
To be healthy and talking and walking.
It pained me to see her lying there for week now with all the needles poking at her swollen hand. Insyallah.
2. To be successful in the TOURISM line.
I mean it. I want to be able to sell all packages. Insyallah. Hope staying in the company will be a stepping stone for me.
Yes! I want a bigger pay!! Yes!! *Evil laugh*
4. Earn enough money to travel around the world.
That's why i need a bigger pay. Ahaha.. Sell, sell only for what?? Must go and see for yourself right??
5. Expanding my wadrobe.
That's why i need a bigger pay. Heeheh..A makeover.
6. To be a better person.
Not selfish.
Yes. You must be humble in order to succeed.
Being an arrogant bitch/bastard won't get you anywhere. Got it??
7. To learn to cook.
Hahhhaahh!! Yes! The ultimate goal! Hey, i too want my husband to eat MY cooking at OUR home. Isteri mithali katekan.. khekehh..
Knowing to cook also works to your advantage hokay??
8.To improve relationship with BF.
No more childish fight and misunderstanding. If can be avoided la.
Also in other words, i want to spend the whole of my lifetime with him. heheh..
9.To save money for THE wedding.
Hopefully i can. Heeheh.. Ya,la want to travel and expand wadrobe..
Die! Need BIGGER PAY x 2!!
10. Last but not least, to EXERCISE.
Hhaha.. Actually this number 10 have always been in my list of resolution but never fulfilled it. So this time i want to make it work.
I want to be healthy. That's the main reason.
I can't imagine what sickness i will be having when i'm old so.. start from now.
Shall we??

Wow! Banyak colok seh aku!! Hhaah.. ok la.
All the best for 2008 ya!!