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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Its friday!
Written Friday, November 30, 2007 @11:08 am

I'm glad today is the last day of the week. N hoping the weekend will be a blast! I'm reeaally late rite now. 10 more mins to 11am n the bus juz came out of the interchange. I wake up at 930am la.. Apparently i snooze my hp for another 15mins. So deserve me right. Aniwae, i juz hope tat i can finish my incomplete bookings by today so tat no customer will complain. Oh ya! Getting my pay later! Yes! I got so many tings to buy...
I hope my father will pick me up later. Coz i'm wearing heels rite now n i dun feel like walking so many distance. N i dun noe whether i will be sleeping grandma's hse to help wit the cooking or to cousin's hse to help wit the cleaning n decorations.. I'm stuck. Aiyah anyting will do la as long as my father pick me up later.
p.s: kak in, the cake will be ready tmrw morning, orite? Ayah will pick it up.
p.p.s: i doubt she will read tat. She muz be bz rite? Duh!!

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Written Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @10:46 am

I'm sooo hungry.. My stomach making noise.. Followed my regime last nite. No eating.. But! I ate the new mac' ice cream, MUDPIE (mcflurry + hot fudge.. Damn delicious i tell u) n sour n cream chipster. Its not healthy i noe! But i'm always hungry. Yesterday for lunch i had chicken rice n 1 can of apple tea. Tats all. Too bz la yesterday like mad ppl. I hate the environment. Seriously. Ok i'm so damn hungry. I'm trying to throw away my urge of buying sumting to eat.. Argghh.. Maybe epok-epok from tat pakcik stall would be good to fill my empty stomach. Or roti wit butter n kaya at s11 wld be nice.. Hmm.. Ok stomach growling again. Stop it!

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Written Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @11:02 am

Aaarrrggghhhh! I'm getting fat! Reaaal faatt! Boo-hoo-hoo! My arms getting flabbier! My stomach expanding! N my boobs went up a size! N my butt.. Hur..hur.. I'm eating like a pig! Damn! *breathe in..breathe out* Ok i got a plan. This is wat i'm going to do to lose SOME weight..
-DO NOT EAT BREAKFAST. Hmm.. Orange juice or milk shud be ok. Its healthy,rite? Tonite gng to buy some.
-DO NOT EAT DINNER! No! No! No! Get hm, change & bath, drink some milk n SLEEP!
-so only left LUNCH. Where i can eat as many i can to last me till the nxt lunch. Not forgetting muz die2 eat fruits! Healthy mah?
So ok not? Haha..sound absurd! Well... we see how it goes today. Cia yo zie! Haha.. Boo-hoo-hoo... Urggh feeling crap! I wan a sexy and a slim body. Maybe i shud poke myself in the mouth? Hmm.. Haha..kidding! Only stupid ppl do that! I'm not that crazy.. Ok starting from now, strictly follow the regime.. Yes!

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Back at last
Written Monday, November 26, 2007 @10:58 pm
Ok things turn out ok for me n BF. We are happy, like always.. Again. Haha.. We uz love each other to let all tis rather mundane things get in the way. Again. Ok i juz hope we each learned our lesson. He, to spare a thought for me. N me, to not walk away on any circumstances. God bless us. Ya allah, rahmati la kami. Amin.
Moving on, for the past 2 entries i've been blogging by my phone. Cool huh? Haha.. I'm blogging at my bed by the way. Haha.. Well a bit stupid though coz below this entry it says i updated my blog by my m1 phone. Haha.. Crap. But convenient la. Haha.. I'm loving it! Dun noe if the pix i posted gets updated too. Oh well, its getting late. Need my sleep. Yucks! Another week of werk! Haiz.. But sumting to look forward too tis cuming weekend! My cousin's engagement! N den we will go party bebeh! Haha.. So looking forward to it! Muaahh.. *winks*
p/s: happy happy mood mood la today! Hehe..

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Its not that EASY
Written Sunday, November 25, 2007 @11:59 am

After a non-stop sms fight yesterday, well, breaking up is not a solution. Although i dun reaallly noe how long more its going to be like tis, but i still wan him. 6 years! I dun wan to throw all tat away n i'm sure frens n families will call me stupid. Eventhough its not my fault. Its not. I juz wan a bit attention from him. N he can't do tat. CAN'T DO IT. So wat u bz? Im bz too but i still can kol u during my lunch hr. At nite nak tido pun tak blh kol kejap.. Eh ppl bf overseas oso can kol everynite, la. Urggh.. I'm fucking irritated,u noe! Totally no mood.. BUT after werk later (yes,i'm werking on a SUNDAY!) i will be meeting him. To settle n make up. Hopefully he can do a good job of compromising. Well,truthfully to be say, i miss him alot. The whole of this wk did not see him. Haiz.. Call me pathetic or wateva, i noe wats needed in our r'ship. Attention is crucial. Trust me..

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Written Saturday, November 24, 2007 @7:32 pm

This is it. The end. The end of everything we shared for the past 6 years. There was never a happy ending. I knew it will come but didn't think it will be this soon.. *Fuck!*

- This blog was updated through my M1 mobile phone.

Written Thursday, November 22, 2007 @2:03 pm
ok juz come back from lunch..had mee soto. and wedges. supposed to revised n study but a little bit of blogging wunt die.
ok let's see.. *distraction* hahah stupid Joshua. he disturbed me n Nurul with a fake cockroach. and he video-ed us. hahah.. sepak muke!

ok i wan to promote sikit la. my auntie is doing this cake business. she makes nice and pretty cakes. so to ppl out there who is getting married or engaged, you can order from her u noe. i'm getting my cousin this nice cake for her, for her engagement day.

nice rite?? i'm thinking of having this too for my engagement. hahah.. but we shall see how la. aniwae, the website is www.cakeconnection.multiply.com go check them out. or u can pass the msg to me la will tell her.

i'm so bored. i dun noe what to blog about. oh ya! my bro is back in Singapore. haha.. alhamdulilah he return in one piece. isyk..selisih. aniwae, he bought me a pink bag. haha... nice. and then a few shirts for the other siblings. he did not bought much coz he said they sell alot of wnter clothings. and he said, the weather is damn cold. hahah.. well he's happy. good for him.

ok i think i better do my werk. teacher coming!

Written @11:25 am
i'm supposed to do my revision and here, i am blogging away. haha... Fara and Nurul semangat seh, doing their werk. and si Joshua, writing on his log book. made up stuffs, i guess.. haha. aniwae, nxt wk will be my abacus exam. muz die2 pass this thing, at least pass la, den i will be a happy student. i so sleppy seh... haiz.. mr ooi wanting to coach us. and nobody wants to layan. hahah.. boring la..
ok la i continue later. mr ooi making noise already...

Written Thursday, November 15, 2007 @10:34 am
hopefully i pass my exam with flying colours. i have juz finished doing my excel exam. i did not study, for your information. but actually nothing to study coz its juz a matter of knowing how to do it. so i guess i noe. so we are done for Office Skills. yeah. 2 more subject to go. later i have abacus theory test. i haven't even open my book. but whatever. its like really complicated so i dun want to bother. hmmpp... so not me but seriously, whatever. nurul not here again. she went to take out her wisdom tooth. or so she say.
i'm fucking sleepy. this few days not enuf sleep and i have been sleeping late coz i juz wan to read. i love reading books. novel thats it. i borrowed 4 books from the library last week and yesterday i borrowed another 4. i can juz continue reading and reading. my favourite hobby! how i wish i could werk in the library. i get to read interesting books first, if that is allowed ah. hah..
aniwae, few more weeks and its the end of my course. i consider it as a few more weeks rather than a month, thank you. and i have a dilemma people. i have been talking to my mother about my job. she said its best if i continue with my current company IF they give me a good pay. and when u start over with a new company, u literally have to start anew. all over again, i mean. such as frenship and how they work out all the werk. if u get what i mean. i guess my mum have a point BUT i reaaalllyyy dun wan to stay there. its like in my head, the "GET OUT FROM THERE" is still etched inside my brain. sooo... i reallly dun noe what to do. seriously, i have no idea. and right now, i dun even have any idea where to go. my boss said airline side the pay is low. so say my father and cousin. so i'm like in middle of nowhere and i dun noe whether i shud juz go the door thats already wide open for me or open a new door. i need advice. seriously. this concern my future. haiz.. i got headache from all this thinking.
aniwae, doctor told me i got high blood pressure. i'm so shocked. like hello, i'm only 22 years old. my father laughed at me saying, "blom tua da sakit high blood pressure". but i often got headache ah. and i think my salt intake is quite high. hehe.. i juz love chipster sour n cream la. its the best la. hahaha..
ok Fara juz teased me. she said, "panjang nye". haha.. i mean the blog la. hahah.. seminggu seh tak update. actually i have alot to say but sadly... haiz..
ok enuf said.
oh ya. my cousin getting engaged soooonn. 1st december. i wonder how its all going. i wish you all the best k and da balik blom abg fadil? hahah.. i hope i could take a few tips and learn from her or something coz if i decide whether my engagement is on or not, i got totally no idea how it werk out. seriously. heheh..
aniwae, to BF, i had a great time with you darls. muuuaaaahhhh!!! heheh..
i need to take my textbook from ms lim.

Written Wednesday, November 07, 2007 @6:00 pm
i got great news ppl! mr KZ is getting married!! hahaha.. nxt year la with his now gf. woohhoo.. i'm happy for them, like seriously he is so damn happy and decided to get married nxt year. hahah.. and now he OT his butt off everyday. haha..to save money la. in case u wondering who is mr KZ, his my skoolmate la. good news. and maybe nxt year, i will be going to a few engagements and weddings coz i noe some of them are thinking of getting engaged nxt year too! (include me!) haha..
doakan korang smue bahagia la...
ok need to get back to werk.

today is a BLAH! day...
Written @12:28 pm
my enthusiasm today is on a dangerous level. its so low that i feel like juz going home without informing anybody. i got no mood to werk la. haiz..and i have to go thru today's battle. 2 ads (advertisement) on the papers today. Malaysia, Batam, Bintan, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Taiwan. like urghh!! i hope i dun go berserk! help! i never felt so tired before. i feel like sleeping all day.. i guess all this 'no mood' due to loads of werk and also the fever 'virus'. my lil' sis had a fever and now, mum's turn. i guess i'm next..tunggu mase je and after that, i will be a whining baby, screaming out for attention and pain. i hate to be sick but after all the days i werked my butt off, i do need a rest off. most importantly, i need a HOLIDAY!! yes, i seriously need it. but due to the EXPENSIVE fare for Dec, i decided to go either Bintan or Batam Resorts. although not much shopping there, but i definitely need the beach and the spa thingy. that is confirmed. and i will go with BF. heheh... wanna join us, couples??
ok, i seeriiouslly need to go thru today... 8pm is like forever. hopefully, i have a good rest tmrw coz i think Sat and Sun, i will be werking. OT. haiz.. but i need the money la ppl. dun care la bout the tiredness. (cheh,macam betol! baru complain tadi!) heh..
last thurs, i went out with Fid after skool. we went to Vivo city. accompany her for dinner and we rest and relax and Starbucks. talk and talk till time to go home. and guess what? we both brought our cameras and we did not even take one! like what the hell?? hahah.. but afraid not, coz we will plan next outing to go smoke sheesha. haha.. harap2 jadi ah.
my bro off to taiwan on Mon for his NS thingy. 2 weeks seh..i'm gonna miss him.. take care tau and dun 4get to buy us things ok? hahah..
ok kena scolded by boss juz now. he said i do hotel vouchers all wrong. and he said nxt time, let him see b4 printing out. like wat the fuck. my advice, do on your own bastard!! all happiness drain out of me already and totally feel like shit. urrghh. irritating la..
a few more weeks in torture and i'm out of here. i swear i'm not going stay here even he offer me 2k! arrrggghhhh...
fucking shit!

now for PICTURES!!
Written Thursday, November 01, 2007 @12:17 pm
posing kat umah..hahah..

Jalan raya with my school mates...

at Fid's hse..

Azura's open hse

the 3 old fren.. heheh..

2nd Chance model seh..haahha..

2nd Raya..

Amin cute!!
atas lorry..

1st Hari Raya!!

baju blue colour ..

me n ayah

the 4 siblings..
apis, nini, yani, aqim.

nite of Hari Raya..
went to marine parade to shopppp....

the last 2 month..
me n dear bie...posing kat mrt..haha..

okay..above are the recent pictures.. but not all ah. will post all pics in my multiply soon. real soon. hahah.. ok i have not finish my assignment yet and instead doing this. damn. teacher asking for it. hahaha.. dun wan do ah. i going out for lunch soon. ok la.
p/s: i got so many empty space below...

1 NOV 2007
Written @11:43 am
its the first day of November!! yeah!! i got 2 more months! hahah.. can't be any happier. and.. we will be having 2 hour lunch. like soo best! me, fara, joshua and peh wei going out for lunch. ooo..i'm at skool la.. supposed to be doing my papers but decided to blog abit la... no harm riteee?? heheh..nurul not here. i think she can't wake up again...
will be meeting Fid later..and maybe Azura too... to juz chill.. i wan eat donut la.. cravings for the yummy thing is back!! and GUESS WAT?? toa payoh has it own donut shop!! Munchy Donut. yum, yum, yum!! later going to buy for my mum and lil' sis..
hmm.. i think i better do my assignment first.. continue later..