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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
who's next??
Written Thursday, September 13, 2007 @12:48 pm
firstly, let me wish "Selamat Berpuasa" to all Muslim ppl out there. puasa, jgn tak puasa tau... hehe... BUT i'm not fasting either. hehe..the time of the month came today. of all days.so a bit of sad la.. haiz..

secondly, my blog becoming more BORING now coz lack of entries. too bad. luck is bad on my side. comp is down and at werk, there's juz too much werk to do. and having boss (n gf) breathing down on my neck so i juz can't blog. hey, blogging need privacy k? and i dun want them to read my blog, that's for sure. urrghh.. so dun expect much k ppl? thirdly, ZAKIAH left us too. the course. i dun want to say much. but i got only 1 word. WASTED. i'm sad, yes but wat to do. she supposed to start at my company but on the day itself, she backed out. haiz.. first it was Prema. den Brenda, den Jing, den Yani, den Zakiah. who's next? urrghh..enuf said.
well ppl now i'm at skool. having D&G. we're doing project for the 15 major tourist destination. i've done my part and now Fara's turn to type in the words. lastly Nurul's job to add pics and the effects. ok..shud be finishing soon. best. i thought of going home faster later. hmm..ask ms surianis whether she can let us go earlier. insyallah. ok my class now only 8 ppl turn up. becoming worse seh. BUT something to joy over coz left 3 more months!! yeah! hopefully fasting month to go double the quick.. aniwae, last wk i email-ed boss asking him to let me go at 7pm during the fasting month. its like i'm pushing my one hour lunch break to end of the day. he agreed but hopefully is not bz. the past few days been hectic i tell u. i've been going home late. 8 plus near to 9pm. isyk.. alotz of cutomers. hopefully peace avail during the fasting month. damn..my stomach hurts seh. oh ya, i MISS my bf very the much!! last week i saw him only once and now i have to wait till Sat to see him. arrgghhh.. bie i miss u la...

another 'aarrgghh' thing, Sat n Sun is the Natas fair. shitz.. 10am-7pm for both days. die la.. mon sure damn shag. hey, why dun u all come down to the Expo? come and see all the discounted packages we all are having and find me there k? haha...let me see. what else to blog? actually, i miss blogging. very, very the much. arrrgghhh.. but i dun noe what to blog. my stomach hurts badly sia. i wanna go home can? can somebody fetch me? pls? bie..u amik i la..pakai rover ke tunnel ke.. bie... boo-hoo-hoo!! eee..malas nye.. urrghhh.. sorry ppl. i'm having a unstable mood.. not mood la..but i'm feeling a bit..blah.. aiyah.. dun noe la.


Written Thursday, September 06, 2007 @10:44 am
wee~~~ i'm in skool rite now. having abacus class. having test later. dun noe can pass not. aniwae, i wun be blogging animore. boo-hoo-hoo..my comp at home down so i terminated my maxonline. so no more blogging. unless..at werk. but fat chance. coz boss n gf always around. so sad.
yes ppl! i have take out my stitch!! came to skool at 1018am. and finally, yes my lips is good as last time. heheh..no more anita sarawak's lips. eh but mine worst seh. one-sided swollen. i want to eat, laugh and drink bubble tea pun very hard seh. very ugly tau. haha.. hope the nightmare is over. BUT the doctor said that it might come back again. isyk ape seh. i think doc says i have to much saliva? haha..watever. hope it doesn't come again. shoo!!! go away!
fasting month is like nxt wk. hopefully i can tahan all the happenings at werk. menguji katekan... 3 more months ppl!! can't wait for this year to end la.
ok gotta go. going to do my test now.
meanwhile, take care ppl. for those who miz me (HAHAHA) do tag me k??
ps: my father is out of hospital and he is ok now. alhamdulilah.

my BIGS lips!
Written Saturday, September 01, 2007 @12:01 pm
i got big lips. not sexy k? its hideous lor. BF has not seen me yet and if he see me later, i'm sure he will go like this, "eeee... u da tak lawa seh.." hahah.. wateva. we shall see later. today i'm on MC. good. i'm totally not in a werking mood what's with my swollen lips. i kena stitch up. its fucking pain, i tell you. urrrgghhh..
i was operated on. with full operation procedures. hahah.. my eyes was covered and i was given anesthetic.. dun noe how to spell la but it makes my lips go numb so that i wun feel the pain. after the injection, my lips grow twice the size. and my saliva all coming out. i feel like kena punch seh. after a few mins then the doc operate on me. i dun noe whats going on. i only feel that they were fiddling with my lips and the sound of tools. scary seh, my legs were shaking but thank god, no pain. or else i would cry ah. i was given 1 day mc je. isyk. rabak doc. how u expect me to go werk with this kind of lips?? ppl will stare lor. hopefully it will go down. da tak lawa..hahah..chey, lawa ke pe??
tell u one secret. doc gave me antibiotic and i'm supposed to finish it. but i do not intend to eat it. not one pun. i hate pills. i can't swallow la actually. thats y i hate it.