its depressing..
Written Monday, April 30, 2007 @9:03 pm
i'm depressed today. really depressing day. MONDAY SUCKS!! the only monday that is good is last monday. the best la.. boss n his gf already went to their chinatown branch. so there is only 5 of us. i tell u, VERY peaceful. i feel so happy sia. but sadly, today its sucks. big time. kena scolded by boss again today. he practically shouting. haiz... feel like crying again. ARRRGGGHHH!!! and on wed, i have to go to the chinatown branch. not enough staff so i was called to be there. sometimes, i think its about skin colour. i'm sorry to say but i'm the only malay there. so somehow i feel like i'm been taking advantage of. really.. despatch was on mc and I was required to go the bank. do errands for them. actually, i dun take this things personally. considered it as part of job, although its not in the contract but deep inside, i questioned myself. are they taking advantage of me? i think so ah... haiz.. what to do? i'm juz a lowly paid worker. (FUCK!!!) stress!!!!!
Written Sunday, April 22, 2007 @1:34 am
yipee! changed my template again. this time 'birdie' template. hey,actually doing all this template thingy is fun. i should learn how to do my own instead of finding for one. anybody wanna teach me how?
after werk juz now, BF fetched me. i *MISS* him soo much!! he's looking better now since he stop sun-taning in the sun. fairer. nowadays he drives, so not so much in the sun compare to the times he is still in BMT. n his hair oredi grow, so look cute la him. heheh..
at werk juz now, my boss asked me along to his new branch at chinatown. its at people's park. went down with boss n his gf n his sis, also with my collegue. we all help him with the stuffs tat was needed to put there. its juz a small office but a cosy one. one side of the wall is painted red. n the chairs is also red. the tables also have red lining. hahah..u noe why? coz red is the colour of apple which represent our company. company name? APPLE HOLIDAYS. hahah.. cute right? but the staff only me cute. hahaha...the rest not cute. hahah.. aniwae, people's park is damn pack with travel agencies. wherever u turn, every corner there is sure one travel agency. so i'm not really sure how my boss going to survive there. can only wish him good luck. n guess wat? my boss gf is the sales n marketing executive there. how easy to have a rich boyfriend n to juz join his company n easy as tat too, landed with a high post.. hmmm.. but bad me. i shouldn't talk bad bout her. its not tat she's trying to take his money or wat but she her own self, is damn rich. i could only guess its love.
L.O.V.E doesn't noe between rich n poor,black n white or chinese n malay. anything is possible when two people is in love.
pssst.....i love my BF!!!!! heheh...
Written Friday, April 20, 2007 @9:03 pm
i tot only mondays is bad for me but fridays too. today, actually on wednesday i quote a customer on air ticket to SIN-MELBOURNE-SIN. she booked wit me la n i reserved seats 4 her. then today when i come in, i check my booking n price it out. it was more expensive than the one i quote her. it worries me so i ask help from my collegue. after checking, it turns out tat i forgot to add in $280 fuel surcharge. ya, $280. i was like, 'WHHHAAAATTTT???' i under charge her. i felt like killing myself at tat moment. my boss try to see whether can cover for me but its alot to cover. its nearly $300 sia!!! i sweating oredi, dun noe what to explain to my customer. but i brave myself n call her...n guess what? she's not in spore n she's not answering my phone calls. damn bloody irritating la. then finally i decided to wait n let her call me. by the time she call, her booking will be cancelled also. then, i quote her another price. IF la she's not a difficult customer..if she is, den I DIE. scolding again from boss. what a great life u're living,zie!! well done to myself. ARRRGGGHHH!! another case today is, i qoute a customer, to melbourne too, nett price. hah.. if got 10 ppl like me ah, the company will go bankrupt lor. make no profit sia! ahaha.. dun noe what's wrong wit me la. tmrw have to face tis customer. haiz..wish me luck ppl. lately been thinking why ah, i take tis line? easy to say tat its only one year but the tourism line itself is hard. blame it on myself. haizz... yet again i wish my BF is here wit me now. he will noe how to console me n make me smile... *cry* but den again, will be meeting him tmrw. soo looking forward.. miz him like crazy oredi.. .
toooooo excited oredi!!
Written Thursday, April 19, 2007 @8:35 pm
noe y i'm sooooo excited? coz in july CONFIRM i'm going bangkok!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEE!! hahah... tmrw ms dewi will buy the tickets for us first. we will be taking the budget airline only. can't afford the expensive airline la. heheh... can't wait to SHOP till i drop! hahah.. insya-allah nothing bad happening in bangkok at tat period. there will be 8 of us going. but last minute dun noe la who backing out... heheh..can't wait. aniwaes, juz now back to skool. see my frens after 3 weeks of holidays. it was great la at skool. FUN! no stress. n tmrw back at werk. n guess wat ppl? another 7 weeks to my exam. DUHH!! got to study n werk.. die la. will be taking exam leave, if there is such thing la. haha.. soo tired today. right now, i'm waiting for the others to email me their passport details. den i will compile all to pass to ms dewi so tat she can book the tix for us. actually, nurul was supposed to do this but last minute she's going out to eat hot-dog with her BF so cannot do. den ask me to do. 'bnyk leceh' la she. hmmm..dun noe whether they will give me their details or not. hmmm... ok la. nothing else to blog about.
eh wait! good news to shared with everybody. i will stay in Far East Plaza. i'm not going to chinatown! YIPPEE!! hahah..finally my soul rest in peace! hahaha! my boss confirmed wit me tat i'm not going to the new branch. yeah! i'm so glad.. thank god! ok den.. BYE!!
Written Monday, April 16, 2007 @9:05 pm
monday(s) is bad for me. i was scolded by my boss in the office at werk. 'suey' me. my tears was already welling up in my eyes n i had to choked back my tears. tell myself many,many times not to cry n luckily i didn't. i do not want to show them i'm weak. but dun noe why at tat point feel like bursting out,cry my eyes out. i think the emotions of the few past mths at werk caught up wit me. felt damn terrible sia. wish my BF was here wit me. so tat i can lend his shoulders to cry on. ~~~~boo-hoo-hoo......
today learnt my mistakes. hopefully never to repeat again. best not to dwell bout it. take things each day as it is. aniwaes, remember me telling u guyz bout my boss's gf taking my customer away? the customer decided to report her to the CASE. u noe,the place where u complain to about any cheating cases. but nothing about cheating anything la. its a bit stupid actually. its only bout the departure dates. its a miscommuncation. which i think will have me involve. haiz.. really its only miscommunication n the customer claims tat boss's gf accussing the customer of somthing tat can be settle but sadly, have to end this way. i dun noe what i'm supposed to do but backing up for her is the best thing to do now. after all its not her fault. pity her. BUT.... when she told me juz now bout the CASE thingy, i felt like laughing. hahah..really. ya la, at tat point i was thinking, "ahackz! u deserve it!". i noe i shouldn't,la. i noe its bad to laugh at ppl's dilemma and sooner or later it will turn back at u. so decided to help her out on this. afterall we will be werking together u see. so let's see how it goes.
well, BF passed his driving. yipee!! something to be happy about! hee! and other than tat, nothing else to be happy of. i got this bad terrible headache. feeling feverish too. i think got the shocked of 'kena' scolded. hee...
family outing is GOOD!
Written Sunday, April 15, 2007 @9:46 pm
surprisingly,today it never rain. my bro decided to treat us all to a cycling trip at east coast. hahah.. u see,he got promoted to a CORPORAL so his pay also went up so tats y he wanna give us a treat. we had a lot of fun together. mummy,iqa,haqim,yani,hafiz,me n BF. 7 of us cycle together-gether.! i like family gatherings! we took alotz of pictures too but i'm lazy to upload it in here. i've decided to open a mutiply acct SO that EVERY one who wants to see more pix of me can go see there. but not yet lah. haven't had the time. SOON. will put the add in here so ppl can go thru it.
guess wat ppl? BIG possibility i will be transfer to the chinatown branch. when i heard bout it on saturday, i feel like crying right there. i was so angry tat i burst my anger at BF when he came to fetch me from werk. he, my DEAREST instead of being angry,he calmed me down. thank you sayang. so now, whatever decision my s**pid boss makes, i will juz follow. EXCEPT i want my werking hours to be 9am-6pm,mon-fri. sat half-day. SUN OFF! i'm not werking more than 44 hours! and no OT for me thank you. haizz..if la my boss will say OK to this conditions,then i will be happy to werk in the chinatown branch although i noe i will be struggling there alone by myself. haizz... this year is a crazy year for me la. CRAZY! HELP!
p/s: oh,i got a pair of free tixs to SPIDERMAN 3! YEAH!!! be going with my darling BF. hehe.. can't wait!! by the way,tmrw BF will be having his driving assessment. good luck to u k BIE? *LOVES* muackzz!!
gone...for a while.
Written Thursday, April 12, 2007 @9:00 pm
heheh.. cut it on tuesday night. not tat short la but it looks nice though. only my hair is curly so a bit haywire la. heheh... so there go my long hair..not tat long la but it since grown when i last cut it last year. dun worries,i'll be keeping it long again. only giving in to my desires to have it short. what if i cut reaaaallly short eh? hahah...dun think suits my face. aniwaes, with my short hair now i guess i looked reaaalllly chubby.
hahah.. been putting on weight this last few days. i eat alotz. for lunch i ate rice with chicken n sotong n for dinner juz now, ate rice with chicken curry. hahah... my daily meals consist of mainly rice n chicken only. like no other things to eat like tat...hahah.. so who ever did not see me for quite some time, dun be surprise wen u see me! seriously, i do not noe when to exercise. coz my werk timing is like 10am-7pm. if u ask me to wake up early n jog, sorry no. 530pm seems to be too EARLY n no is one arnd so abit scary if u ask me. 6-630pm will be ALOTZ of ppl going to werk n skool so if i were to run arnd them n them seeing me running, my fats jiggling arnd will be so MALU lor! pai-seh la..hahah. 7pm also the same,alotz of car arnd n them seeing me,laughing in their car is not to my liking too. after 7pm is totally a no-no. tired from werk n u ask me to jog? SIAO!! hahah.. ai yah, actually i'm juz plain lazy la. so PADAN MUKE AKU for putting on weight! hahah.. ok i'm done here. ta-ta!
bad monday.
Written Monday, April 09, 2007 @9:05 pm
today doesn't go well for me. i hate tat woman! i hate my new enemy! uuurrrgghhh!!!
she take away my customer, u see. tat customer is my customer since i quote her the price n everything. i'm only waiting for her to come down to make a booking. so what happened was, a last minute customer walk in at 655pm asking for Bintan. since i do on Batam,Bintan n Malaysia, i have to serve. den i heard the phone ringing and she answered.<MY customer called> she always answer the phone aniwae. after booking and payment everything suddenly tis enemy of mine juz say to me, "zie, u book for tis jacqueline to Redang oredi?". i say, "not yet,waiting for her to come down." she say "ok, i book for her." ?????? i mean u can't book if they never come dwn to our office n she say she will book? what's wrong with her? she have already alotz of customer n this ONE customer i have she wants to steal away.
damn her la! dun understand a shit what's she trying to do in the office also. damn! damn!
juz hoping n praying tat the chinatown branch will open faster. so she can bring her small 'ass' n her small self there!!! urrrrggghhh!! damn irritating!
p/s: a hungry person is an angry man/woman!!
Written Sunday, April 08, 2007 @12:22 pm
guess where we bring mummy to last night?? n bro brought mummy to smoke shee-sha. at Arab Street in one of the Arab restaurant. my lil sis went over to my grandma's house to sleep over so we ask mummy out. it was great la! sorry guyz but my mummy is sporting! hahah... we sit there for 1 n half hour. talk and smoking. its a mango flavoured shee-sha. at first it was hard to smoke coz me n mummy is a non smoker so had a hard time to make all the smokes come out of our mouth. after few times trying, i become the expert one. hahah....syiok la. i think i'll be coming back to tat place wit my frens n BF.
i think last 2 years ago when my family were having the 'JULY' birthday older cousin bought this shee-sha thingy. everybody was smoking it n having fun but dun noe at tat time i do not even want to join in. tried once but having difficulty so i dun bother. tat time was apple flavour which has a sweet smell. BF n my bros all the way there smoking shee-sha. non-stop. haha... i think now i matured enuf to try all tis. hahah!! ok la. enjoy the slide show ya!!![](
a new enemy
Written Saturday, April 07, 2007 @2:03 pm
recently, no not recently la. juz only. i juz added a person to my hate list. wanna noe who? guess la? my boss's GF. damn irritating n damn f**king IRRITATING. there is no words la to describe her. i juz hate her. she's a few years older than me n i think the tittle "LADY BOSS" gets to her head all the time. she boss me arnd like she own the place! ya lah i noe her BF is my boss but dun until like tat la. uuuurrgghhhh!!! she act as if she noes everything bout the tourism line. so wat?? big deal hah? fortunately, my boss opening a new branch in chinatown area. so he n his gf will go there n take care of tat place. but unfortunately, i'm not sure whether i have to go there. i really dun want to go there with them. i think i better off here in far east plaza. really cross my finger!!! if i tell u i were to go there,surely i 'kena' blacklisted. i cannot juz keep quiet n be like "budak tonggong"<stupid> n juz say 'ok,ok,ok' to everything she ask me to do right?? sure i tell her off one! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! its so frustrating!!!
ok. i let out my feelings oredi n its time to get back to werk. heheh...
Written Friday, April 06, 2007 @1:18 am
finally i finished wit my blardy blog! ~~~phew! tiring man! wat i did was find some reaaally niccee templates and it was damn hard la. have to browse thru all the org gila like tat. but finally its done. add in wat i supposed to add in and WA-LAH!!! hahah... nice? ok la. i got the tag box now so ppl can tag me. tag ya.
well, is the GOOD friday. public holiday. ~~~weeeeeee!!!! muz reaaally enjoy my day today. heheh... but..i'm having a fight wit my BF. so dun noe whether he coming down to my place or not....... urggh! WATEVA!!
my neck aching seh... i think i need my rest oredi. my bro waiting for me to finish wit my craps so tat he can use the comp. till the morning,sure one. hmmm...ok den. till the nxt time!!!
p/s: did i tell u guyz tat BF is a driver in the army? no? ya,his vocation is driver. ~~~~wweeeeeee can drive me arnd after his 2 yrs!! hahah...insya-allah.
Written Wednesday, April 04, 2007 @9:32 pm
~~~~woohooo!!! guess wat? today, 4th of April is our 6th YEAR anniversary!!!!! n me come a loooong way back. heheh...sori ya,can't stop giggling la. heheh... happy to reached this stage with him. and now only waiting for us to take the next big step. if u noe wat i mean. insya-allah. hopefully nxt year. pray for us ppl. heheh...
i've not been updating my blog due to some disruption of line. hahah...if u noe wat i mean! so thankfully the line is ok today,on my anniversary sum more, and i can tell the whole world tat we are 6 tis year! boastful! hahah...nvr mind... aniwaes,congrats also to my cousin who celebrated their 6th year too! it was last mth so quite 'basi' oredi but nvr mind. congrats ya!!! sadly we did not celebrate our anniversary....
i'm sad but wat to do. for some circumstances we can't meet up. stupid army!!! but aniwaes, LOVE U DEAR!!!! no matter wat,i promise. heheh...
so how everybody out there? i feel like i'm being left out since i've been busy at werk. feel like i'm lost..dun noe wats happening arnd me. now its like..wake up,go werk,werk like crazy<pick up phone calls n answer stupid questions!!! arggh!!> den after tat,go home,eat,take a shower n sleep. imagine i've been doing tat for like, EVERYDAY! no life? i think so ah... super damn boring routine..even my mp3 songs,i oredi noe the sequence of it. n its still the same songs over n over each day. why oh why is my life like tat??
hmmm..i guess i have the answer. MONEY=$440 per month. SO to enjoy doing different things each day,is to have money. alotz of it. SINCE i have little,tats why i'm doing boring stuffs. FULLSTOP. juz dun ask.
oh ya bout the last entry, its just an expression. mind says quit but heart still determine. so i'm gonna continue. nxt time i say again i want to quit pls remind me tat i HAVE to pay $1800 to my company. its totally not worth it so pls do me a favour. thank you ya. okie dokie. enuf of my nonsense. i think i'm rambling too much. soooo good nitez peeps. till the next entry! ta-ta!!!