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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Written Friday, March 23, 2007 @8:24 pm

Written Wednesday, March 21, 2007 @1:36 am

this post is dedicated to my lil'sis,Atiqah.
(i noe she doesn't read my blog but..what the hell..my blog what..haha)


(in malay translation)
KAKAK. <hehe..>

Written @1:13 am
what's up people? how u all doing? i'm a bit stressed at werk,la. both physically and emotionally. what to do..this is the path that i choose. and since i CHOOSE to start this course den i have to FINISH this course. still,determination is what i have inside me. no matter how hard i'm shaken,i'm gonna finish this thing. okie..enuf bout werk. FULLSTOP.
tmrw is BF's P.O.P i, especially take one day leave to attend his parade. at first, i thought i will be going alone so decided to ask haqimto join me. he,of coz want to follow me so he can 'ponteng' skool. but at last minute, BF's sister wants to follow so his mum is going too, plus his niece. maximun ppl can go is 4 so haqim have to back out. too bad. i'm alone. but its ok. maybe its time to create the bonding between me and his family..haha... ya,MAYBE the time is now. haha...
after werk juz now, met up with my hitachi frens <Aisyah,Wati,Daniel and Man> i miss them alotz! and we have so much fun! although the time we spent together is short but still a good one. we still can laughed like we laughed long time ago..if u noe what i mean. haha.. selenge seh.. next outing we plan is to the KBOX. haha..since Daniel and Man LOVES to sing, we thought it will be a great place to chill and sing. see how la..since now me and Aisyah go our separate ways, we have to consider the different werking hours and Wati's husband schedule too. if all timing clash,means we won't be seeing each other soon. how sad...

p.s: its gonna rain! i heard the thunder..thundering? or growling? haha..growling is for animals rite? lion growls.. oh no, my english too good already la.. pardon me ya.. haha

Written Thursday, March 08, 2007 @9:41 pm
i've been busy since monday. got alotz of werk to do at office. alotz of calls n bookings. non-stop ah.. went home too tired to blog so dun even bother to check my blog. i did not even study for my test today. i do not know how well i do but ai yah, dun care la.. tried studying on tuesday night but nothing can go inside my head. blank ah! tried again on wednesday night but instead watch tv. tv seems so much interesting than customer relations(my subject-YAWNS!). haha... still tried to do just now but i think i anyhow do. almost half the class never turn up..but still fun lah at skool(not the test..tats not fun!). we got 2 hr lunch so we went IMM to eat long john silver. no pix la..today never take. and guess what? we late for Mrs Ho class and she gave us THE face.. hahah... (to nurul: too bad u not there! FUN ah..). to cut to the point: i love skool n my campus mates<zakiah,nurul,prema,irma,brenda,jing,joshua> n my teachers! and guess wat?? we planning to go bangkok!!!! all of us including ms dewi!! she's gonna take us there! cool rite! so hoping i can save money to go this july! yipeez....
okie...time to sleep. BZ days ahead.. *haizz*

5 year 'N' 11 months...
Written Sunday, March 04, 2007 @8:56 pm
today is 4 march.. my anniversary with BF. its our 5 year n 11 months. and yes! next month is OUR 6 YEAR!! hahah.. its been long one...and i'm so proud. hoping to last and still counting... *LOVE U BIE*
today is also BF's close friend, Nash engaged. we went to the engagement and saw the fiance. quite pretty. they tying their engagement for 2 years. can't believe he's already engaged. last time he used to be so playful and suddenly just like that he wants to settle down. many of my friends are already engaged. when is my turn? that's the question many people been asking me. my answer? just wait and see. if there is chance,it will definitely happen.
just wait and see..

Written Friday, March 02, 2007 @9:34 pm

hi people! i'm doing fine today.. feel fine too.. my nenek is ok. she's back at home now. resting. she must now take care of her food. not too sweet,not too hot and yet not too salty. everything must be balanced.. i pray hard for her health,hopefully she will get better and not the other way round. TOUCH WOOD! isyk...*shivers* tomorrow will be visiting her. with bf..hehe..can't wait to meet him tomorrow. hehe..
yesterday watched movie with zakiah. we watch rocky. good show la to me... i still like Sylvester Stallone although he's already old. his muscle all like sagging already but still veryy stroong..!! ~~woohoo...i like! hahah.. reached home at 12 midnight and just now morning cannot wake up. so late for werk.. unfortunately,today i must follow my colleague to this abacus seminar. i nearly fall asleep when they were talking ah.. damn sleepy, some more outside raining heavily. and guess what? i met my CTR teacher there. hahah..mrs ho. she's my tourism teacher. teaches me CUSTOMER RELATIONS. say hi to her den went on to the auditorium. oh ya.. did i tell u that i scored 95/100 for my CTR test? hahah... i studied n memorised for that test. so..ok la. told my mum and then she said,"now then u want to scored high marks..last time at skool think boyfren je?" hahah... hey,i studied k for my 'o' levels only i think i never studied enough. hahah.. whatever la what's already pass just forget bout it. okok..lets move on..

hey,February ends already eh? so fast.. now its the 3rd month of the year. hoping to sell the packages already.. our dear nurul already sell 2! sell Korea and japan some more.. g00d! me? i do on malaysia,bintan and batam also very hard to sell. must brush up on my selling skills already. haizz... stress liao! urghhh....