White_Blank_zps3fef73f4 photo White_Blank_zps3fef73f4-1_zps57f267f5.jpg

♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
i'm so very the sad...
Written Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @10:53 pm
guess wat? my dearie nenek (my mum's mum) got a mild stroke. doctors confirmed it yesterday. thanks to my auntie for bringing her quickly to see the doctors.. suddenly she juz felt confused and can't talk properly. her tongue went sideways. but thank goodness,today she's fine. visited her juz now. i rushed from werk to tan tock seng and find her sitting and talking. i feel so sad. it suddenly dawn to me that my grandmother who used to be strong, is getting weaker n weaker each year. i can't stop thinking. she is the one who take care of us 4 siblings when we were small. i also feel damn sad coz till now i never do anything for her. i seldom call or visit her pun. what a grandchild i am. *haizz..*doctor told my auntie that my grandmother has a mutiple blood clot in her brain. she muz go for her brain scan which she says is frightening. pity her..
to bie,nurul,aisyah,daniel..thanks for giving me your sympathies. i appreciate it soooo much... till bie n nurul doakan so that my nenek get well fast. thanks again. love u guys... *hugz*
hopefully, with ur prayers my nenek will get well soon. if even she's not totally cured,hopefully she will not get any worse. my heart pained for her.

Written Tuesday, February 20, 2007 @12:29 am

i LOVE my BF..


we promise to stay together thru' thick n thin... to live together till we breathe the last... to enjoy each other companion.. n the most important is to not stop LOVING each other....

so sentimental right? haha... i dun care if u meluat ke or what shit la..but this is what we are. n no one can change that. FULLSTOP.


Written Sunday, February 18, 2007 @12:32 pm

thanks to prema for taking all of the pixes for us and the result is as above. heheh.. we took alotz of pix with different kind of poses. klakar la with them..so much fun! best! hahah..
also a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to every chinese people!! GONG XI,GONG XI!! heheh.. well..i started my holiday yesterday. not werking 17th to the 21st feb. sooo happy.. i'll be back in the office only on fri coz thurs i got skool. so i'm truly happpy!! hahah..
today, my father side of the family is having gathering. my grandmother will be cooking some great dishes n all of us will go down n eat n enjoy!! woohoo~~~ now got to get ready..

Written Tuesday, February 13, 2007 @8:52 pm
i'm so tired today. went batam with my colleague n two of our clients. they wanted to see the HOLIDAY INN BATAM RESORT. they gonna have a group outing/meeting of 350 church members. adults plus kids plus youths. so they want to see whether this resort can accommodate those ppls and yes,they can. i really like this resort although its a bit xpensive la.. u have everything in there. u want spa? there is.. u want mountain biking n bike terrain thingy..also got. ai yah most of it they have la. and its beautiful. go check out the website.
we had lunch there and they charged singapore dollars plus 21% tax. isyk... mahal... i eat fish & chips. n u noe how much it costs? $23.80. ahackz... fish & chips in singapore much cheaper seh..
but the fish nice la. there's 3 piece of fish n fries. the fishes are big. so ok la..if u have money ah. no money better dun go there. and MAYBE if everything confirm,i'll get to follow their 4D3N tour. hahah..yesh! so g000d!! but dun noe yet la..
nurul dear..if u read this pls dun any how tke my office pix n post on ur blog can? so embarrasing! hahaha.... my company small la not like yours. and it is messy. hahaha....but watever la i still want to continue my traineeship. dun care bout the bloody office as long i get my pay on time and right. that's all i ask. hehe... eh you can comment u noe. below this entry got small comment thingy..so dun malu2 la..hehehe... tired liao...
till the next entry.. bye-bye...

Written Saturday, February 10, 2007 @3:12 pm
i'm bored. blogging at my work place.. its the low season so not much stuff to do. been surfing the net from 1pm.. but another 2 more hr to go. knocking off at 5pm. n i gonna meet my good friend! she's coming down to far east plaza n maybe we gonna hv dinner together. after that,meeting BF pulak.. hmm...so much plan for tonight.
yesterday ite HQ came to my office and present the contract bond to my manager. since my boss not in,my manager take charge. so if i somehow breach the contract,i hv to pay the company $1800. woohoo~ my dear father is to become my guarantor. n he choked when i told him bout the money thingy. he said to me better work n study properly. i'm already 22. of course i will take precaution n to finish this thing up. if i'm still young,17 like that,can lah i change2. i got no time to play around. age is catching up n i want to get married. insyallah by the age of 25. hehe...
no promises lah but target only..so muz faster2 save money. haha... never mind let fate take its course.
time is slow ah.. faster 5pm can or not??

Written Friday, February 09, 2007 @10:22 pm

its nothing..nothing to panic about. nobody kidnapped him. and also no one would kidnapped him. its only his hp's battery flat. so all calls were diverted to that indian man's number. coincidentally, that indian man's number is i think la,my previous starhub number. if not,how can all calls be diverted to that man? he used to divert his calls to my number. so i guess so. but it still puzzles me. why suddenly this happened? usually when his hp's flat..the female operator will be on..you know,"the number you dail is temporary unavailable. please try again later" but dun know why...
pelik ah..
aniwaes.. BF is safely in camp. he call me last night at 1030pm. the moment i heard his voice,my tears non-stop flowing. like tap flowing seh.. at that moment i felt relieved. he's not missing and he won't leave me juz like that. i really dun want to lose him. he's my EVERYTHING. i make him promised not to make me worry again and he apologised for making me cry. *LOVE HIM ALOTZ*
tomorrow he will be out from camp. and we will be spending time together. yeah~~
ok... that will be it. till next post.....

help me god!
Written Thursday, February 08, 2007 @6:46 pm
i dun noe where my BF is! i dun noe where he is! anyone help me pls!
i feel like crying...
i call his hp juz now when i'm in class and to my shockness,an indian man answer the phone! i was shock..thought i dial the wrong number so try again calling him but still the same man. i sms him a lot and he never reply me at all. after skool,i tried calling him again. the same indian man pick up so i asked him where he get this number n he said it is his number. ask him wat his number is and he say 811 sumthing la...dun noe. it puzzles me a lot. my BF number start wit 948.. so why everytime i call his number this sickening indian man pick up?! i ask him y i call my BF number he pick up? he say he dun know n he say he can be my boyfriend! what an idiot! i feel like slapping his damn face ah.. can anyone tell me what's going on? i really thought BF lost his hp but he can call me rite? tell me his hp lost.. but y not a single call? i call his mum and ask to try to call him..and his mum also say the indian man pick up. so how? is my BF missing? i feel like crying.............
BF is in camp in the morning(tekong) and today he had an appointment wit a doctor in tan tock seng hospital bout his eye infection. 3.20pm. at 1 plus while i'm in class,he msg me saying he taking the 2pm ferry from tekong. then he asked me what am i doing and i told him i'm studying la. the last msg i received from him is "ok, tak disturb u". den all this hell broke loose! i really want to know what's happening. i'm very worried and so is his mum.
what shall i do? i'm still waiting for his call. he suppose to report back to camp at 830pm. hopefully sooner or later he call me. tell me nobody wants to kidnapped him rite? rite? i really dun know what to do. hopefully he come by my house after his appointment coz tan tock seng is quite near. but now is already 7pm.
*bie where r u? kol me pls.*

werKing haRd.
Written Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @3:01 pm
what's up ppl? i'm at werk.. got nothing to do so juz thinking of typing something in here. actually,my boss went out for lunch..so faster2 update. hehe..in the morning went 4 a meeting wit a client,together wit my collegue. my first meeting..haha... u noe wat? i juz sat there,taking notes. client thought i'm my collegue's assistant coz of my quietness. but had to tell them i'm only a trainee. so pai-seh. but..i get to help out my collegue. help him out on wat the clients' requirement. its juz a stepping stone..so dun laugh at me. i'm trying very hard here ok?
everything been ok lately. i'm hoping 4 a good year this year. hope after this course..i'm gonna make big money! haha..bit over-ambitious here. nvr mind.. guess wat? tmrw my skool day! yeah..
meeting those 'small' adults. hehe..ya lah..i'm the second oldest there. but i think i'm acting like one small kid lor. make stupid remarks la stupid joke la..n i tell u,there's this gal who is only 17 already acting like one bloody 'kakak-kakak' lor. she wear this high heels to skool wit thick make up. hello? i'm 22,wear jeans n shoes to skool. she? woohoo...watever. enuf bout her...
hmm..i guess tats enuf say 4 today. wen i'm free lets gossip again. hehe..

Written Sunday, February 04, 2007 @11:11 pm
i'm so happy n so proud!
i'm grinning non stop since the lions wins the champion. i watch on tv wit Bie(BF). he came over yesterday n stayed till the end of game. the game was a tough one wat wit the thais controlling the ball. phew..luckily,khairul amri give us 1 goal. n tats enuf for us to tke the cup home. i.m estatic! cool rite? well..congrats to the players. i'm so looking forward to nxt yr game..whether they still can play..or win.. haha... let's see.
i'm tired from seeing tat game. need my beauty sleep oredi.. tmrw is the starting of another week of werking. can't wait for thursday. skool day! heheh... we gonna hv another session of photo-taking. alritez... tats all...

MORE updates!
Written Saturday, February 03, 2007 @10:33 am

1st day of skool.. my new fren.

wks after tat,one of our FAV subjects is photo-taking!

i'm the oldest among the four of us... youngest in pink.. only 17.

crazy ppl take pics in btw classes,break time n after class. siao!

Written @10:06 am

ok! time to updates the days tat was superb. was it last wk tat spore vs malaysia? i think so..well, i went wit 24 of my family members including BF. we had SO much fun! i was shouting so loudly tat my throat hurts ah..but all's good now. the recent one vs thailand..my family members could not go coz all muz werk. so i juz watch the match at home. this one is much more interesting seh..what with the emotional thais abandoning the game. well,stupid move..it makes us see them as sore losers. really. but still,i fear for singaporeans who go bangkok to support the lions. what if hell broke loose? scary...but still...GO LIONS!! tmrw i watching the game! at home ah.. no money go bangkok ah..haha.. ok ok..here are some pics of the past event.