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♥ Remember the good times, be strong during the difficult times, love always, laugh often and thank
God for everything ♥

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Photo of the Day

A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
EYE infection!
Written Tuesday, January 30, 2007 @12:58 pm
boo-hoo-hoo! i got eye infection.. big thanks to my lil' sis who bring this contagious thingy to our home. (damn..!) thanks again to her coz i got 3 days MC. and guess what? 3 days MC=3 days NO PAY! boo-hoo-hoo! its the starting of my new job and i already MC-ed 2 times. what will they think of me..?
actually,i went to werk yesterday. when i told the accountant that i got sore eye,she panic. so she told my manager. my manager freak out and actually send me home. i mean,she chased me out. so i'm like, 'hah?' 'ok lor..' i met my mum at toa payoh polyclinic and we(me n my lil' sis)together see the doctor.
actually the story goes like this. this auntie went to my father's house to visit my step mum. the daughter has this eye infection thingy. so she go see eye to eye to my nephew(he's a baby,for god sake)and ta~dah! he got it. so after my nephew,my step mum got it. den my step sis got it(baby's mother) den my lil' sis. so last friday,she went to my house to sleep over the weekend. my BF was at my house too so when he wake up in the morning,his left eye is already red. had to rush him to the doctor coz he had to report back to camp. most of the private clinics is close on sunday and in the end,went to tan tock seng hospital to see the doctor. fortunately,NS ppl no need to pay medical fees. so free lah.. and the next day,i got it.

Written Wednesday, January 24, 2007 @11:45 pm
i met up wit my old,old fren just now after work. while waiting for my 'O' levels results during the year 2002,i worked in ST microelectronic. factory for short. met this gal,my age..we get along fine and when our contract ended,we juz lost contact. so after 5 yrs never meet,finally. haha.. well,she's already married with a one yr old son. she actually brought along her husband..haha.. her baby is cute though.. then,she asked me when is my turn to get married. i'm like, what? crazy..
actually..... i loved to. but BF is still in the army n we do not have the money to buy a ring yet so... lets forget bout it. not on my list yet. n i don't think i'm ready for motherhood. really..not yet. with so many young mothers around me,i know how frustrated it is to have a kid while u still in ur prime age. so when i'm ready,i will. don't worry..im will invite everyone i know. hehe...
guess what? BF finally went back to his camp. n he CALL me! omg! i cried.. ya,lah.. i miss him so much u know. 2 wks never see him n 1 of the wk never hear his voice. how not to cry? hope time flies to friday. really want to see him... too bad sat i working. if not,can spend more time with him. k,lah enough bout all this sentimental things. ppl hear can menyampah.

Written Tuesday, January 23, 2007 @8:54 pm
i'm tired today. my eyes are killing me. the whole day see the damn computer. and now,at home,i still can blog. in no time,i'm going blind. or shortsighted. or whatever it is. learning more n more of the system at work..n i think my head going to explode. arghh.. but whatever it is,i'm still determined to excel in this tourism thingy. give me the support people.. i need it.
still missing my dear BF. i wonder how he's doing there. whether he's already eaten or not..is he taking care of himself or not... HAIYO! he's a man lah. arghh... today is my really crappiest night. i think what i need is a goood night sleep. ok gd nytezzzz......

i'm determine!
Written Monday, January 22, 2007 @8:57 pm
first day of the week.
i'm doing fine at werk. Learning more stuffs...and getting more headache... the stuffs i have to learn is quite confusing,wats wit the codes and procedures. but all's good. i'm determine to finish the course and the werk. well ppl..u wanna travel? pls,find me..i'll do my best to give u the best price! *winks* hehe...
actually i can't wait for thursday. thursday is my skool day. i dun have to go to werk. and i can mix wit my new found frens! u see,my werk place there's no YOUNG adult. there is lah,only one but my manager is like 20++.. i need sumbody arnd my age so tat i can be me. at werk,i'm more of a quiet person. i dun laugh juz serious. so.... i need my frens. i wan to laugh,i wan to joke arnd,i wan to talk nonsense n everything la tats good. i mean,i'm only 21(my bdae still loong,not yet 22). so there's no need to be THAT serious. u understand wat i'm trying to say rite?
i'm missing BF soo much. friday is like ages...today is only monday...haiz.. 2 wks of not seeing him n i think i'm already half-crazy. imagine,my cousin..her BF is outstation. werking..(he werk in the ship la,engineer i think)..on assignments tat last for 3 mths or less. communicate thru phones only. i feel for her.. ya lah..sumone u love very much goes out of the country for so long. who can tahan? i think i go crazy..serious man. actually..my BF is in camp. n tis wk he have to go to the field camp..u noe,at jungle..camouflaging all tat stuffs..so he cannot bring his hp. since thurs la he never call me. i feel SO LONELY! damn...now i noe,i can't live witout him. its true...i love him alotz. *giggles* i'm getting emotional now.. guess wat? tis april,it will be our 6 year anniversary! hope to last........forever? keeping my finger cross. *giggles*

sick..lonely n PISSED!!
Written Sunday, January 21, 2007 @12:06 am
damn menstrual cramps! it hurts like hell. arghh..
becoz of tis pain,i'm not able to go to werk. my legs are like jelly.. force myself to go n take MC. and the damn doctor take a loong time to see other patients. wit my pain,its like forever. totally pissed! arghh...

at the same time,i feel so sad n lonely. BF is at camp. he will not be out till nxt wk...so im terribly lonely. he's out in the field camp so he can't bring his bloody hp. he can't call me till thurs! im already missing him soo much.. too much too handle..arghh..help!!

Written Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @6:53 pm
my first post..

hmmm... so... i decided to create a blog. to write down my feelings bout certain things that happens. so..ta-daH!

unfortunately today nothing happened. so.......gonna get back later.

oh ya..happy new year to everyone. is it too late? no right? we're still in early january..